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So, you've been tempted to give your precious feline a bowl of almond milk as a treat, but is it good for his body and health? Cats can drink almond milk without having side effects? How about soy milk and cashew milk? Continue reading to learn more!
Almond milk is almost available anywhere these days - from the coffee shop to the grocery stores. And, increasingly more people stock their fridge with this product. However, is it okay to share a cup or bowl of almond milk with your furry friend?
What is Almond Milk?
Since the middle ages, almond milk has been considered as one of the most popular milk substitutes. It is a plant milk with lovely smooth texture and nutty taste, which is made by mixing finely ground almond nuts and water. What makes almond milk among the favorites is that it is packed with nutrients and other essential nutrients.
Also, it is low in calories and fat. Often, it is being drunk up by lactose tolerant individuals who do not want dairy products. Now, almond milk can be prepared in unsweetened or sweetened, vanilla, or chocolate flavors.
So, Can Cats Drink Almond Milk?
There are some good reasons why almond milk is a good treat for cats, aside from honey, shrimp and cat foods like soulistic cat food. First of all, it doesn't include any dairy products and ingredients that are noxious to cats. Almond milk has some benefits for the health of a cat as well.
What's more, it contains low saturated fat and is filled with omega 3 fatty acids. This is great especially if your cat has a cardiovascular problem. Above all, felines would surely love the taste it gives.
Although, some (especially the vets) do not recommend giving it to cats because it consists of almond nuts. We all know that some felines are sensitive to particular nuts, which may potentially lead to a few stomach issues.
How Much Almond Milk You Can Give to the Cat?
Now that you know almond milk is safe to cats, it doesn't necessarily mean you should allow them to consume a bowl on a frequent basis. You need to be careful and restrict the amount of almond milk you're giving.
The milk has sugar which is not good for felines because it can cause a dental issue or obesity. Also, it contains bacteria which your four-legged friend may not be capable of breaking down in his gut.
The best thing to do is start small. Meaning to say, give him only about 1/4 a cup to start. Watch and wait how he reacts to it. Then, you can go from there.
Can Cats Drink Cashew Milk?
But, can cats drink cashew milk?
Cashew milk is popular among humans due to its health benefits. It contains lots of minerals, healthy fats, vitamins, and antioxidants. Sure, you can give your little adorable feline cashew milk but remember to limit his intake.
Things You Need to Keep in Mind
Cashews are known to be high in fats, which are not healthy to cats. The cat could potentially have an allergic reaction especially if he is sensitive to this type of nut. Do not give them a large amount of milk.
Just like when giving almond milk, start with small and observe her reaction. If he somehow liked the taste of cashew milk and consumed a lot, do not worry too much since it is not toxic to cats.
Can Cats Drink Soy Milk?
Soy milk is popularly known as a plant-based drink, which is made out of saturated soybeans. It is a good substitute for cow's milk to people who are allergic to lactose intolerant or dairy.
But, Can You Give Soy Milk to The Cat?
Yes, but then again, in moderation.
Soy milk is safe for both dogs and cats since it doesn't contain any poisonous or toxic ingredients. It has a good quantity of all necessary amino acids.
However, do not feed your cat too much of this milk because it can result in serious liver and thyroid issues. Especially these days, many soy milks contain additives to make them milkier, sweeter, and extend shelf life. These can upset the sensitive stomach of your pet.
How Much Soy Milk to Give Your Cat?
After giving him the milk, check his reaction. If you see he is enjoying the taste of the milk, gently increase the amount you are giving. Allow your cat's system to become accustomed to digesting the soy milk.
What Other Kinds of Milks Can Cats Drink?
In addition to almond milk, cashew milk, and soy milk, there are other kinds of milk you can give to your feline as a treat. These include:
1. Coconut milk
Coconut milk is a bit more unconventional and has been one of the top alternatives to be given to cats as a treat. However, it consists of a tremendously high amount of fat which is not good for felines. Thus, limit the amount you will be giving.
2. Rice milk
This is another good alternative for those who are lactose intolerant. Rice milk, however, has tons of sugar that can definitely mess up the blood sugar levels of your cat. So, you should only give it as a treat, and cautiously.
Almond milk boasts a nutritive value for humans but is not really beneficial for felines. The same goes for soy milk and cashew milk. A small cup or bowl of these kinds of milk won't literally hurt your furry friend since it is safer and not toxic, but it is recommended to limit the amount you're giving.