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How long can a cat go without pooping? Have you ever asked this question? If yes, have you ever got the right answer?
If not, I will help you find out the solution to this matter. Indeed, there is a need to deal with this issue since this is considered as one of the critical behaviors of dear cats that mainly affects their health. Essential information will be discussed throughout this post.
How Frequent Should a Cat Poo?
Before that, you should know the frequency of cat's pooping. Well, there is no exact amount of times per day that a cat must poo. It is best to understand the feeding as well as the digestive structure of the cat that is being adapted differently from the bigger cats.
Cats are built to be eating only small amounts of foods over the next 24 hours and would require more frequent bowel movements. Some factors could easily change how many days can a cat go without pooping such as the type of food such as almond milk or honey, age, stress and medication, which we will discuss a bit later.
If your cat is in a good enabling environment, there is a need for the cat to at least have one or two bowel movements every single day. And because of the said factors, some cats might have more or less bowel movements every day. And if your cat goes more than two days without pooping, constipation might be the case. If this is left detected or unchecked late, it could quickly develop into megacolon or obstipation.
How Long Can a Cat Go Without Pooping?
So, just how long can a cat go without pooping or peeing? Well, as a general rule, in this case, a pet cat should pass a bowel movement at least once a day. The said activity should be created but not as well hard, and a typical brown shade and they should pass it without having pain or any difficulty.
On the other hand, for more details of this rule of thumb, the bowel movements of cats might begin to differ from the usual regularity, color, uniformity, smell or anything else. And the said modification might linger from longer than a day or even more wherein you should now visit a veterinarian as this could already be an indicator of a problem.
Factors Affecting Poop Frequency
As said earlier, certain factors must be considered which include the following:
1. The Quantity of Food
The amount of food served will affect the pooping activity of the cats. So, too much food also means that the cat will poop more often.
2. Age
Kittens will excrete more often compared to the adult cats. Their cells are actively dividing due to growth. Along with this is the fact that they are very playful which makes them need a lot of energy. And so, the only way to have this extra energy is supplementary feeding leading to increased excretion as well.
3. Medical Conditions
Kidney conditions, hyperthyroidism, parasite infestation, and inflammatory bowel are among the medical conditions that might affect the pooping activity of the cats.
4. Amount of Exercise
Regular exercise will increase the body metabolism making sure that there is proper digestion of food. Once cats spend more time sleeping, there might be a possibility of digestive problems. There is a need for you to find an enticing way for cats to play for them to exercise and be healthy.
5. Supplements or Medications
Once cats are under medication or any supplements, it could have a direct impact on the motility of the guts affecting the digestive process too. And the result is observed on how often the cats poop.
4 Tips to Make Your Cat Poop
Some available treatment options with regards to making the cat poop regularly include the following:
1. Proper Medication
There are certain medications such as stool softeners or laxatives that are considered to be helpful in treating constipation. Those foods with high fiber content are essential to enhance the digestive tract of cats. You should provide the cats with such foods regularly.
2. Regular Water Supply
There is a need to make sure of a constant water supply for the cat as another way to prevent constipation. Always make sure to have safe and clean water within their reach.
3. Manual Evacuation
This is another way to ease advanced constipation. And this is done through anesthetizing the colon of the cat. But of course, a veterinarian does this work. You might as well wonder if how long can a cat go without pooping after surgery, professionals could explain this matter.
4. Exercise the Cat
There is a need for you to encourage the cat to have some physical exercises regularly. Don't let the cat just to eat and sleep, but let them do some activities too.
Home remedies to cat's health problems should be considered before taking them to a vet. Good to know that you can always find help on how to treat cat's health conditions such as constipation or even infections.