Published on April
Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?
As a pet owner, you’ve likely wondered which of the staple food items you can offer your favorite feline as a treat. Can a bite of your favorite peanut butter sandwich be a safe snack for your cat when they run to the kitchen during lunchtime?
In this article we’ll dive into the details behind the potential dangers of feeding your cat peanut butter, and why we do not recommend peanut butter as a snack for your feline companion.
So can cats eat peanut butter?
We know our canine friends run at the chance to lap up this tasty treat, but is this a safe option for the cats in our life? Can peanut be used as a treat substitute for cats? Simply put, no, we do not recommend giving your cat peanut butter.
While peanut butter may seem like a fairly healthy option to offer our furry friends, there’s actually quite a few reasons as to why we’d ask you to avoid this treat if you’re able to. In order to help you understand why cats shouldn’t eat peanut butter, let’s dive into the facts!
Is peanut butter toxic to cats?
Peanut butter is not considered toxic to cats, but it does not necessarily mean it’s safe. With having no nutritional value and often being high in fat, peanut butter is not an ideal treat for your cat. Peanut butter can cause more harm than it’s worth, especially when there are plenty of safe options that you can offer instead!
Though peanut butter specifically is not on the list of toxic food, there is an ingredient on this list that can find its way into your peanut butter jar. The ASPCA has a detailed list of food items that are considered toxic to our beloved pets, and a common peanut butter ingredient found its way on to the list. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that can cause your cat to become extremely ill if consumed. This sweetener can cause your pet’s blood sugar to drop to dangerously low levels, leading to death in some cases.
Since companies try to offer a peanut butter product that is sweet and satisfying, you’ll often find artificial sweeteners like xylitol in their ingredients. While many peanut butter companies have tried to limit the use of xylitol in their product, you should always review the ingredients to be sure.
Why is peanut butter unsafe for cats?
Peanut butter is unsafe for your cat in many ways. In order to help you shy away from offering this nutty treat to your feline BFF, let’s dive into the many reasons why peanut butter is not a safe choice for your cat.
Peanut Butter Is High In Fat
Peanut butter is filled with harmful fats that are designed to help peanut butter have a longer shelf life. These fats aren’t even recommended for us in most cases, and especially not for our feline friends. Harmful fats can lead to weight gain, GI upset, and serious health complications due to ingesting fatty substances.
Peanut Butter Can Cause GI Upset
Peanut butter can cause gastrointestinal upset in cats due to the high fat content. Fatty foods can cause diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and other GI complications in cats. Even if your cat loves the taste of their favorite peanut butter treat, it’s not worth the stomach ache that may come after!
Peanut Butter Can Cause Allergic Reactions
Peanut butter has the potential to cause allergic reactions in sensitive cats. Similar to humans, peanut butter can be a serious cause of concern in those who are allergic to nuts or other ingredients in this nutty treat. Cats that are allergic to peanut butter can experience itching, vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss, skin irritation, and more. If you notice that your cat is experiencing any of these symptoms after eating peanut butter, it’s best to contact your vet ASAP.
Peanut Butter Is A Choking Hazard
We’ve all seen dogs licking their chops for minutes after eating a spoonful of peanut butter. Peanut butter’s thick and sticky consistency can cause the paste to get stuck on the roof of your pet’s mouth, and can cause the same effect in our cats. A cat’s tiny mouth and spine filled tongue can make it even more difficult to eat peanut butter, increasing their chance of choking. Peanut butter is not only dangerous due to its high fat content, but also due to its potential to be a choking hazard.
Using Peanut Butter To Medicate Your Cat
Peanut butter has become popular over the years with pet owners who have a hard time giving their cats medication. Some cat parents feel strongly that peanut butter makes it easier for the pills to go down, and helps to get their cats excited for their daily medications.
If you would like to use peanut butter to give your cat their medications, just make sure you are using as small of an amount as possible. Try your best to use a thin coat on their daily medications to help prevent any complications that can come from eating peanut butter daily.
What if my cat accidentally eats peanut butter?
Though we’ve determined that peanut butter is not necessarily toxic to cats, it can cause a serious stomach ache when it’s eaten, especially if they eat too much. So what do you do if your cat gets into your jar of peanut butter?
First, try to assess how much peanut butter you think your cat ate. If it’s just a small amount, just watch your cat closely over the next 12 hours to rule out any GI upset or signs of allergic reaction. If you don’t notice any change in behavior or eating habits, they are likely going to be fine.
However, if you think your cat ingested a large amount of peanut butter, it’s best to contact your vet ASAP. Since peanut butter is so high in fat, it can cause severe GI upset and other GI complications. Contacting your vet will allow them to get ahead of any potential complications and give your cat the best chance of avoiding any serious issues.
Though peanut butter may be one of our favorite treats, it’s definitely not a safe snack option for our cats. Make sure to review the safety tips we’ve listed above about giving your cat peanut butter, and you can keep your cat healthy and happy for years to come!